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 Basic IRC Commands

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Jumlah posting : 68
Age : 39
Localisation : USA-Callifornia
Registration date : 28.05.07

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PostSubyek: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeThu May 31, 2007 6:25 pm

IRC commands allow you to perform specific functions on IRC, such as maintaining control of a channel and the users on it. The following list of basic IRC commands will help you get started. There are also other mIRC Commands that you can look at later.

General Commands

/AWAY [message]

Leaves a message indicating that you are currently not paying attention to IRC. When someone sends you a message, they will automatically see your away message. Using /AWAY with no message marks you as no longer being away and removes your previous message.

example: /away Off to get something to eat, back in a moment.

/INVITE nickname #channel

Invites a nickname to a channel that you are on.

/JOIN #channel

Joins the specified channel.

example: /join #irchelp

This will make you join the #irchelp channel. Once on a channel, anything you type will be seen by all the users on this channel. The #irchelp channel is very useful, so say hello and then ask any questions you want. If the channel you specified doesn't exist, a channel with that name will be created for you.

Some channels may also have keys ie. a password, which you need to specify when using the /join command.

example: /join #irchelp trout

This will make you join the #irchelp channel using "trout" as the password.

/LIST [#channel] [-MIN #] [-MAX #]

Lists currently available channels. You can also tell mIRC to show only channels with a minimum and a maximum number of people. If you specify a #channel then mIRC will only list information for that channel. If you specify wildcards, eg. *mirc* then mIRC will list all channels that contain the word mirc in them.

example: /list

example: /list -min 5 -max 20

example: /list #mirc

example: /list *mirc*

/ME message

Tells the current channel or query about what you are doing.

/MSG nickname message

Sends a private message to nickname without opening a query window.

/NICK nickname

Changes your nickname to a new nickname.

/NOTICE nickname message

Sends a private message to nickname without opening a query window for either you or them.

/PART #channel

Leaves a channel that you are on.

/QUERY nickname message

Opens a query window to this nickname and sends them a private message.

/QUIT [message]

Disconnects you from IRC and will give the optional message as the reason for your departure. (this message only appears to people who are on the same channels as you).

/TOPIC #channel newtopic

Changes the topic for a channel that you are on.

/WHOIS nickname

Shows you information about a nickname.

Channel and User Commands

If you have Op status, the following commands give you control over both a channel and the users on it.

/KICK #channel nickname

Kicks a nickname off a channel that you are on.

/MODE #channel|nickname [[+|-]modechars [parameters]]

This is a powerful command that gives channel operators control of a channel and the users on it.

Channel modes


ModeChar Effects on channels

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

b <person> ban somebody, <person> in "nick!user@host" form

i channel is invite-only

l <number> channel is limited, <number> users allowed max

m channel is moderated, (only chanops can talk)

n external /MSGs to channel are not allowed

o <nickname> makes <nickname> a channel operator

p channel is private

s channel is secret

t topic limited, only chanops may change it

k <key> set secret key for a channel

User modes


ModeChar Effects on nicknames

~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

i makes you invisible to anybody that does

not know the exact spelling of your nickname

o IRC-operator status, can only be set

by IRC-ops with OPER

s receive server notices

v gives a user a voice on a moderated channel

Here a few examples of the MODE command:

To give someone Op status: /mode #channelname +o nickname

Giving someone Op status means giving them control over the channel and the users on it. Give this out sparingly and to people you trust.

To op several people: /mode #channelname +ooo nick1 nick2 nick3

To de-op someone: /mode #channelname -o nickname

To ban someone: /mode #channelname +b nickname (or user address)

To Unban someone: /mode #channelname -b nickname (or user address)

To Make a channel invite only: /mode #channelname +i

You must now invite a user for them to be able to join your channel.

There many more commands but this list should help you get started. To learn more about IRC commands you should download an IRC FAQ.
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Jumlah posting : 78
Age : 36
Localisation : koTaMoBaGU-BoRoKO-GoRoNtaLO
Registration date : 28.05.07

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PostSubyek: okzz   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeFri Jun 01, 2007 2:58 am

gitu donkzz.....supaya teman teman yg blom mengenal
command bisa belajar leawt sini,,thank ya ireckss Laughing
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Jumlah posting : 26
Age : 41
Localisation : Gorontalo Road To Peace
Registration date : 01.06.07

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PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeFri Jun 01, 2007 8:23 pm

/ns help <=--- untuk semua command nickserv Smile

/ns help set <=--- ini command nickserv jugah! tapi kegunaan na untuk register nick sampe seterusnya...

/cs help <=-- ini untuk command chanserv Smile

/cs help set <=--- ini command untuk chanserv jugah! kegunaan na untuk register channel sampe seterusnya!!!!

Silahkan Mencoba!!!!

tpi sebelum na ! apa admin na tau command irc????!!!!!!!!!
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Jumlah posting : 78
Age : 36
Localisation : koTaMoBaGU-BoRoKO-GoRoNtaLO
Registration date : 28.05.07

Basic IRC Commands Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2007 10:42 am

[b] wew..pakiki..kalo ngn mo ambe tu nick
ba bilang kwa..kita mo bkg apa leh dg tu nick asl batanya
okzzz..... lol!
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Jumlah posting : 78
Age : 36
Localisation : koTaMoBaGU-BoRoKO-GoRoNtaLO
Registration date : 28.05.07

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PostSubyek: Daftar Perintah IRC dalnet   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeSat Jun 02, 2007 11:02 am

Daftar Perintah IRC dalnet
Panduan Chat mIRC, bogani DalNet

Kumpulan perintah umum DAL.NET

Perintah dasar DAL.NET :

/nick (nick baru) = mengganti nickname anda
/notice (nick) (pesan) = notice ke nick
/join (#channel) = masuk chennel
/say (pesan) = seperti chat biasa
/part (#channel) = keluar dari channel
/msg (nick) (pesan) = kirim msg ke nick
/quit = keluar dari IRC
/notify (nick) = agar tau nick tersebut online / tidak
/notify - (nick) = menghilangkan (nick) dari notify list
/quit (pesan) = quit dengan pesan kamu
/server (nama server) = ganti server
/query (nick) = private msg ke user
/invite (nick) (#channel) = invite user
/dcc chat (nick) = dcc chat ke nick
/dcc send (nick) (filename) = kirim file
/mode (nick kamu) +I = ubah mode menjadi invisible (tidak kelihatan di /who #channel oleh orang)
/ignore (nick) atau /ignore *@IPnya = abaikan user, semua tulisannya tidak akan kita lihat
/me (pesan) = action, hasilnya *(nick) (pesan)
untuk diminculkan ke semua channel yang kita OL
/list = melihat list semua chennel
/who (nick/#channel) = melihat keterangan user atau chennel
/whois (nick) = melihat keterangan ttg user
/away (pesan) = pergi sesaat dengan pesan
/away = menyatakan balik dari away
/ctcp (nick) ping = periksa berapa lama ketikan kamu sampai ke user
/ctcp (nick kamu) ping = cek lag kamu sendiri
/uwho (nick) = melihat U central nick
/clear = bersihkan layar aktif

Perintah Standar Untuk Operator Channel

/kick (#channel) (nick) = kick user
/topic (#channel) (topiknya) = mengganti topik channel
/kick (nick) (#channel) (alasan) = kick user dengan alasan
/mode (#channel) +b *!*@IPnya = Band IP user
/mode (#channel) +b nick! username@host.add.ress = Ban user
/mode (#channel) –b *!*@IPnya = buka Ban user, missal /mode #dewata +b *!*@202..133.80.*
/mode (#channel) +o (nick) = memberikan Op pada user
/mode (#channel) +v (nick) = memberikan voice pada user
/mode (#channel) – o (nick) = menurunkan user agar tidak Op lagi
/mode (#channel) –v (nick) = mengambil voice user
/mode (#channel) +/- ntispklRrmc = set mode channel
/channel = melihat mode dan ban list channel

/mode #ch +vvv n1 n2 n3 = memberi voice ke byk orang
/chanserv sop #ch add nick = memberi SOP

Perintah ChanServ Dalnet

ket: (A) = semua, (AOP) = minimal aop, (SOP) = minimal sop, (F) = founder

/chanserv info (#channel) = melihat info channel (A)
/chanserv invite (#channel) (nick) = minta chanserv untuk invite (A)
/chanserv unban (#channel) (nick kamu) = Unban diri kamu (AOP)
/chanserv unban (#channel) * = unban semuanya (AOP)
/chanserv register (#channel) (passwd) (desikripsi) = register channel baru (F)
/chanserv identify (#channel) (passwd) = identify channel (F)
/chanserv drop (#channel) = drop channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) passwd (pass baru) = ganti password channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) founder = set sbg founder baru (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) desc (deskripsinya) = set deskripsi channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) topic (topiknya) = set topik channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) url (alamat url-nya) = set webpage channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) mlock (tulis modenya) = set kunci mode channel mis. +nt-ispklR (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) ident (on/off) = set ident aktif/tidak (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) restrict (on/off) = set restrict channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) keeptopic (on/off) = set keep topik channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) topiclock (sop/founder/off) = set topiklock channel (F)
/chanserv set (#channel) opguard (on/off) = set opguard
/chanserv set (#channel) memo (none/aop/sop/founder) = set memo level channel (F)
/chanserv why (#channel) (nick) = melihat akses yang dipakai nick untuk jadi op (AOP)
/chanserv op (#channel) (nick) = mengangkat menjadi op (AOP)
/chanserv deop (#channel) (nick) = menurunkan dari op (AOP)
/chanserv (aop/sop/akick) (#channel) list = melihat daftar aop, sop, atau akick
/chanserv aop (#channel) add (nick) = jadikan aop (SOP)
/chanserv sop (#channel) add (nick) = jadikan sop (F)
/chanserv aop (#channel) del (no. list aop) = hapus aop (SOP)
/chanserv sop (#channel) del (no. list sop) = hapus sop (F)
/chanserv (aop/sop/akick) (#channel) (add/del) nick!username@host.add.ress = masukkan/hapus dari list (SOP)
/chanserv mdeop (#channel) = mass deop channel, tapi aop tdk bisa deop sop dan founder (AOP)
/chanserv mkick (#channel) = mass kick channel (SOP)

Perintah NickServ Dalnet

/nickserv register (password) (email) = register nick
/nickserv ghost (nick) (passwd) = kill ghost yaitu bila nick dipakai orang atau tertinggal di channel
/nickserv identify (password) = identify nick
/nickserv set kill (on/off) = set kill nick
/nickserv recover (nick) (passwd) = recover nick
/nickserv release (nick) = release nick
/nickserv drop (nick) = drop nick
/nickserv set passwd (passwd baru) = ganti password nick
/nickserv set noop (on/off) = set no op untuk nick
/nickserv set nomemo (on/off) = set no memo untuk nick
/nickserv info (nick) = mengetahui informasi tentang nick

Perintah MemoServ Dalnet

/memoserv list = melihat daftar memo anda
/memoserv send (nick) (pesan) = kirim memo
/memoserv send (#channel) (pesan) = kirim memo ke op
/memoserv read (no. list memo) = baca memo yang ke berapa (sesuai list memo)
/memoserv del (no. list memo) = hapus memo no di list
/memoserv undel (no. list memo) = undel memo

DALnet Servers

Ketikkan /server (namaServer) untuk ganti server
contoh: /server

CA Servers :Canada


EU Servers :Eropa


AS Servers :Asia


US Servers :Amerika Serikat


met mencoba Very Happy
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Jumlah posting : 26
Age : 41
Localisation : Gorontalo Road To Peace
Registration date : 01.06.07

Basic IRC Commands Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeTue Jun 05, 2007 8:41 am

wew..pakiki..kalo ngn mo ambe tu nick
ba bilang kwa..kita mo bkg apa leh dg tu nick asl batanya
okzzz..... <=--- nick yg mana??
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Jumlah posting : 78
Age : 36
Localisation : koTaMoBaGU-BoRoKO-GoRoNtaLO
Registration date : 28.05.07

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PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeFri Jun 08, 2007 11:23 pm

pake acara pura pura ndak tau leh
kalo laki laki itu bukan bagitu depe cara
satu lagi....ngana p nick akses ngana kase pa orang di kotamobagu to ???
baru kiapa ngana minta pa kita ehkkk Question
aneh juga shob lol!
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Jumlah posting : 78
Age : 36
Localisation : koTaMoBaGU-BoRoKO-GoRoNtaLO
Registration date : 28.05.07

Basic IRC Commands Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2007 9:05 am

iRecks pasang url di nick bagimana kang Question Question Question

lol! lol! lol!
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Jumlah posting : 68
Age : 39
Localisation : USA-Callifornia
Registration date : 28.05.07

Basic IRC Commands Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2007 9:18 am

Admin wrote:
iRecks pasang url di nick bagimana kang Question Question Question

lol! lol! lol!
masuk profile klik signatur tulis ja disana...!!!
huu admin yg punya situs kok ga tw wekekekek lol!
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Jumlah posting : 78
Age : 36
Localisation : koTaMoBaGU-BoRoKO-GoRoNtaLO
Registration date : 28.05.07

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PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeFri Jun 15, 2007 9:49 am

nueh bukan disitu bro

yang ini -NickServ- URL gimana
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Jumlah posting : 68
Age : 39
Localisation : USA-Callifornia
Registration date : 28.05.07

Basic IRC Commands Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeTue Jun 19, 2007 11:17 am

Admin wrote:
nueh bukan disitu bro

yang ini -NickServ- URL gimana
/ns set url
Like a Star @ heaven iRecks Like a Star @ heaven
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Jumlah posting : 78
Age : 36
Localisation : koTaMoBaGU-BoRoKO-GoRoNtaLO
Registration date : 28.05.07

Basic IRC Commands Empty
PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitimeWed Jun 20, 2007 8:12 am

kekekekekkek....thanks ya obat kuat Very Happy
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PostSubyek: Re: Basic IRC Commands   Basic IRC Commands Icon_minitime

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Basic IRC Commands
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